Monday, October 4, 2010

Where I see myself in 10 years

Off the bat, let me just say, I'm watching Family Guy at the same time as writing this, so forgive me if this post sounds disjointed.

Where I See Myself In 10 Years

By Sarah Shill

I don't really project into the future much. I like to just make it up as I go along. Pretty much the only thing I know about my future right now is I'm not going to be living in Alaska and that I am not going to have braces. But everything else is pretty much a toss up.

If I think about if realistically, I can honestly say, that I don't think I'll be married by the time I'm 26. I just can't really see that happening. I guess its possible. Probably like a 1% chance. But that rant is for a separate blog post.

Man, I have never thought about this before.

Holy crap, what if ten years from now I have a kid?

The mere thought of that terrifies me beyond belief.


I am in no fit condition to be a mother.

It's not like I was one of those little girls who played with baby dolls.

In fact I NEVER played with baby dolls. When I was a kid, I played with Beanie Babies.

Not just any Beanie Babies.

I had 4 particular Beanie Babies I played with every day. Their names were Elaine, Jerry, George, and Kramer. Yeah. I named my Beanie Babies after characters from "Seinfeld". That should give you an idea of the kind of child I was.

There was this one lady who was my mom's home teacher who thought I was a total freak of nature or something. She treat me like I was some kind of "special child".

Sister Whatever- "And who is this lovely young lady?"

Mom- "This is my daughter Sarah. Sarah, say hello."

Me- "Hello."

Sister Whatever- "What's that you're playing with little girl?"
Me- "Oh. These are my friends, Jerry, George, Kramer and Elaine."

Sister Whatever- "I beg your pardon?"

Me- "Here! You can hold them. But be careful, George is being extra emotional today!"

(Thrusts raggedy animals into lady's reluctant hands)

Sister Whatever- "Uh-huh....Anne, have you ever considered getting know....checked out?"

Welcome to my childhood.

Anyways, back to my future.

On a more serious note, all I really hope is that ten years from now, I'll be happy. Or at least happier than I am now. That hopefully, in these next ten years of my life I'll find that one thing that brings me joy, so to speak, and that I can wake up in the morning and not dread the day ahead of me, but anticipate it.

Who knows where I will be in 10 years? Maybe I'll be dead before I even make it to that point. Maybe I'll get hit by a car tommorow. Or the next day. Or the day after that.

That's why you have to "Carpe Diem". That means sieze the day, I believe. I better Google it to make sure.

Yeah, I was right. It's Latin.

Carpe Diem. Makes me sound pretty smart huh?

Anways, this is turning into a totally lame sappy post, so I better stop typing and finish my episode of Family Guy.

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