I have a close idea of what my life will be like.
I sometimes wish I could see my future.
To see what I do.
The choices I make, and who I am, and what I look like, and what I decide to do with life.
I know I want to go to college.
and swim in college.
And I would like to go on a mission.
I would also like to get married someday.
And have kids.
I also have many dreams that I would like to accomplish someday.
Like...I think it would be cool to learn how to dance. Ballet, tap, jazz...any kind. I also want to progress somewhere in my swimming career. I want to be an artist. A nurse. A mother. I want to go skydiving. I want to travel the world.
But I don't think I could accomplish all of that in ten years. Maybe I could work on the part of traveling the world. I have always wanted to go to different places and see new things. I love vacations.
In fact...I was seriously planning to go on an exchange the second semester of this year. But...I changed my mind. Because of certain matters, and I just....was flighty with my thoughts.
Ok I just looked up the definition of flighty...what I actually meant is that I just was never too "sure" about whether I should go....missing swimming and home and all.
I really wanted to go to Costa Rica and learn to speak spanish fluently.
I am considering going somewhere on exchange in college.
Wouldn't that be awesome?!
Also..I think I will still be a lifeguard in ten years.
It's a pretty nice job.
So...I think what I see myself doing in ten years is basically living my life, trying to accomplish the goals I have always set for my life.
But...whatever goals I try to accomplish then is all determined by the actions I make in the next few years. Applying for college. Going somewhere to college. Swimming in college. Going on a mission. Going on exchange.
Back to being unsure of my choices...I seem to always want to expand out of my comfort zone..like trying different sports...but I always go back to swimming..
Because I love swimming...and I have always wanted to be a better swimmer.
And the only way to become a better swimmer is by swimming.
I thought about running xc, or track, softball, gymnastics, and ballet...but swimming is where it's at. It's what I love, where I feel comfortable, what I have been doing almost all my life, and what I enjoy.
It's like my home plate thingimajig...someplace I can always go back to, and it'll always be available for me to do.
There you go.
My future is a bit "unsure" but I will figure it out. I know who I am, what I love, who I love, and what my goals are. So that should be sufficient.
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