I am one of the creators of this new blog.
Sarah, my best friend, is the other creator.
We have chosen this blog title because...
we thought it sounded cool.
I am Thing 1, so I am entitled to doing the first blog post.
I am not exactly sure what this whole blog will be about.
Maybe serious stuff, or humor, or fun things, or just our thoughts.
But hopefully we will enjoy the blogging process together, and others will like what we post.
We each have our own blogs, but we decided it would be twice as awesome to make a blog together.
You will learn about each of us as we start blogging.
We aren't extremely alike, but that's probably why we are biffles.
Sarah is a bit more on the negative side, while I am the one pushing in her chair for her at seminary in the morning.
I will tell you a little about myself.
I am Mallory. Or Mallorina.
I live in Narnia. Just kidding.
I live in a cold place called Alaska.
I love summer, and warmth, and traveling.
I especially love to swim.
I love being tan.
I love watching movies.
I love learning new things.
For most of my life I have spent my time swimming competitively, or just in some sort of water,
whether it be a pool or ocean.
I wish I was really strong and smart.
I wish it was sunny and rainy more often. But mostly sunny.
I wish I kept my room cleaner.
I wish I could meet Greyson Chance.
I try to drink a lot of water.
And I try to eat alot.
I used to be a text fanatic.
I used to be more shy.
I want to take a dance class someday.
I want to accomplish my goals.
I want to swim in college.
I want a cumulative GPA 4.0.
I am happy.
I am sometimes boring.
But I make an effort of being interesting.
So...there you go!
Enjoy our blogging :)
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