Tuesday, October 19, 2010

"In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different.”

What is a Hero?

As you can guess, I googled it. And I found out some pretty interesting stuff.

The first thing that caught my eye was that there was a movie made by His Awesomeness Quentin Tarantino called Hero. The cast includes Jet Li and a bunch of less famous Asian people.

But more importantly, I found out that a hero, as Mallory's good friend Dictionary.com put it, is "a man (or woman) who has distinguished courage or ability, admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities".

After much thought, I would have to say my hero is Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel. You might have heard of the name Chanel, if you have any fashion education at all. This lady was a french designer whose collections changed 20th century fashion. How does she posses courage? Well, she came about in a time where the women's fashion industry was dominated by extremely feminine designs. Chanel's menswear-based designs introduced a certain "casual elegance" that, despite the fact they were scoffed at in the beginning, eventually dominated the fashion industry.

So yeah.

Monday, October 18, 2010


Whenever I think of a "Hero" I automatically think of Enrique Iglesias's song called "Hero."  I think that its exceptionally beautiful when he sings it in Spanish, but either way, both versions are beautiful.  In this song he talks about how he can be this girl's hero.  He says that he will stand by her forever.

So, according to Enrique, a hero is someone who is loyal, committed, loving, and romantic.

But, according to me, (Mallory) I think that a hero can be anybody who has inspired another person to feel something and put something into art or language that could not initially be expressed by the hopeful person.

A hero is often picked because a person likes the virtues and example of the leader.  Often, rebellious teenagers will claim that their hero is some super cool adult like the black guy on Rob and Big who mess around all day and do fun stuff, like skateboard.

But that is the person's inspiration, is it not?

So, in a sort of conclusion, I would like to state that my hero is my mother.

I am trying to be like her.  She has so much confidence in herself and her actions.
Over the years of her life, and consequentially because of her history, she has learned that integrity is best when never sacrificed.  She has also taught me that doubt and desire never mix.
My mother is the reason I am here today, the reason why I am who I am.

Because of her faith in herself, God, and in me, she has inspired me to become a better person every day.

Did you know that every morning she makes and packs my lunch for the day?
And Did you know that if I forget to put deodorant on, or if I forget to pack some tennis shoes for practice later, that she will bring it to me?
Did you know that she lets me drive her super awesome car?
Did you know that she has the most amazing humor ever?

She is so random, and her humor is just how I love it: weird.

Someday I will conquer and tackle all of my fears like my mother has done.  Someday I will be her.


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

In Ten Years...

I have a close idea of what my life will be like.


I sometimes wish I could see my future.

To see what I do.
The choices I make, and who I am, and what I look like, and what I decide to do with life.

I know I want to go to college.

and swim in college.

And I would like to go on a mission.

I would also like to get married someday.

And have kids.

I also have many dreams that I would like to accomplish someday.

Like...I think it would be cool to learn how to dance.  Ballet, tap, jazz...any kind.  I also want to progress somewhere in my swimming career.  I want to be an artist.  A nurse.  A mother.  I want to go skydiving. I want to travel the world.

But I don't think I could accomplish all of that in ten years.  Maybe I could work on the part of traveling the world.  I have always wanted to go to different places and see new things.  I love vacations.

In fact...I was seriously planning to go on an exchange the second semester of this year.  But...I changed my mind.  Because of certain matters, and I just....was flighty with my thoughts.

Ok I just looked up the definition of flighty...what I actually meant is that I just was never too "sure" about whether I should go....missing swimming and home and all.

I really wanted to go to Costa Rica and learn to speak spanish fluently.  
I am considering going somewhere on exchange in college.

Wouldn't that be awesome?!

Also..I think I will still be a lifeguard in ten years.

It's a pretty nice job.

So...I think what I see myself doing in ten years is basically living my life, trying to accomplish the goals I have always set for my life.

But...whatever goals I try to accomplish then is all determined by the actions I make in the next few years.  Applying for college.  Going somewhere to college.  Swimming in college.  Going on a mission. Going on exchange.

Back to being unsure of my choices...I seem to always want to expand out of my comfort zone..like trying different sports...but I always go back to swimming..

Because I love swimming...and I have always wanted to be a better swimmer.

And the only way to become a better swimmer is by swimming.

I thought about running xc, or track, softball, gymnastics, and ballet...but swimming is where it's at.  It's what I love, where I feel comfortable, what I have been doing almost all  my life, and what I enjoy.

It's like my home plate thingimajig...someplace I can always go back to, and it'll always be available for me to do.

There you go.

My future is a bit "unsure" but I will figure it out.   I know who I am, what I love, who I love, and what my goals are.  So that should be sufficient.


Monday, October 4, 2010

Where I see myself in 10 years

Off the bat, let me just say, I'm watching Family Guy at the same time as writing this, so forgive me if this post sounds disjointed.

Where I See Myself In 10 Years

By Sarah Shill

I don't really project into the future much. I like to just make it up as I go along. Pretty much the only thing I know about my future right now is I'm not going to be living in Alaska and that I am not going to have braces. But everything else is pretty much a toss up.

If I think about if realistically, I can honestly say, that I don't think I'll be married by the time I'm 26. I just can't really see that happening. I guess its possible. Probably like a 1% chance. But that rant is for a separate blog post.

Man, I have never thought about this before.

Holy crap, what if ten years from now I have a kid?

The mere thought of that terrifies me beyond belief.


I am in no fit condition to be a mother.

It's not like I was one of those little girls who played with baby dolls.

In fact I NEVER played with baby dolls. When I was a kid, I played with Beanie Babies.

Not just any Beanie Babies.

I had 4 particular Beanie Babies I played with every day. Their names were Elaine, Jerry, George, and Kramer. Yeah. I named my Beanie Babies after characters from "Seinfeld". That should give you an idea of the kind of child I was.

There was this one lady who was my mom's home teacher who thought I was a total freak of nature or something. She treat me like I was some kind of "special child".

Sister Whatever- "And who is this lovely young lady?"

Mom- "This is my daughter Sarah. Sarah, say hello."

Me- "Hello."

Sister Whatever- "What's that you're playing with little girl?"
Me- "Oh. These are my friends, Jerry, George, Kramer and Elaine."

Sister Whatever- "I beg your pardon?"

Me- "Here! You can hold them. But be careful, George is being extra emotional today!"

(Thrusts raggedy animals into lady's reluctant hands)

Sister Whatever- "Uh-huh....Anne, have you ever considered getting Sarah...you know....checked out?"

Welcome to my childhood.

Anyways, back to my future.

On a more serious note, all I really hope is that ten years from now, I'll be happy. Or at least happier than I am now. That hopefully, in these next ten years of my life I'll find that one thing that brings me joy, so to speak, and that I can wake up in the morning and not dread the day ahead of me, but anticipate it.

Who knows where I will be in 10 years? Maybe I'll be dead before I even make it to that point. Maybe I'll get hit by a car tommorow. Or the next day. Or the day after that.

That's why you have to "Carpe Diem". That means sieze the day, I believe. I better Google it to make sure.

Yeah, I was right. It's Latin.

Carpe Diem. Makes me sound pretty smart huh?

Anways, this is turning into a totally lame sappy post, so I better stop typing and finish my episode of Family Guy.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Hi. The name's Sarah.

This is half my blog, half Mallory's blog.

We figured we would take a chance and create a blog together.

Hopefully it doesn't end up being a total crap heap that just sits here taking up space on the internet.

I'm sure in a week this blog have a buttload of followers.

Anyways, I guess since Mallory told about herself I better throw a few facts about moi out there.

In my spare time, I enjoy cheerleading, hanging out with friends, running for student body president, and horseback riding. My favorite color is sky blue, I love Justin Bieber (<3) and my favorite food is sushi and frappachinos.

THAT, my friend, was total sarcasm.

Seriously, in my spare time I enjoy music, making Republican Party jokes, proving people wrong, and being the realistic voice of reason in the sea of dreamers. My favorite color is red.

Ok that's all I got.

Also, for the record, Mallory's in charge of deocorating this blog.

I'm going to guide her in her choice of music though. So worry not, you won't have to listen to Ridin Solo by Jason Derulo.

Man, I hate that song.

Also, just because our web address is "Satan is Active", we don't worship the devil.

Also, I believe I am Thing 2. But that doesn't mean I am inferior to Mallory because she is Thing 1.

Hello There Future Readers.

This is Mallory here.
I am one of the creators of this new blog.
Sarah, my best friend, is the other creator.

We have chosen this blog title because...
we thought it sounded cool.

I am Thing 1, so I am entitled to doing the first blog post.

I am not exactly sure what this whole blog will be about.
Maybe serious stuff, or humor, or fun things, or just our thoughts.

But hopefully we will enjoy the blogging process together, and others will like what we post.
We each have our own blogs, but we decided it would be twice as awesome to make a blog together.

You will learn about each of us as we start blogging.
We aren't extremely alike, but that's probably why we are biffles.
Sarah is a bit more on the negative side, while I am the one pushing in her chair for her at seminary in the morning.

I will tell you a little about myself.

I am Mallory.  Or Mallorina.
I live in Narnia.  Just kidding.
I live in a cold place called Alaska.

I love summer, and warmth, and traveling.
I especially love to swim.
I love being tan.

I love watching movies.
I love learning new things.

For most of my life  I have spent my time swimming competitively, or just in some sort of water,
whether it be a pool or ocean.

I wish I was really strong and smart.
I wish it was sunny and rainy more often.  But mostly sunny.
I wish I kept my room cleaner.
I wish I could meet Greyson Chance.

I try to drink a lot of water.
And I try to eat alot.

I used to be a text fanatic.
I used to be more shy.

I want to take a dance class someday.
I want to accomplish my goals.
I want to swim in college.
I want a cumulative GPA 4.0.

I am happy.
I am sometimes boring.
But I make an effort of being interesting.

So...there you go!
Enjoy our blogging :)
