Off the bat, let me just say, I'm watching Family Guy at the same time as writing this, so forgive me if this post sounds disjointed.
Where I See Myself In 10 Years
By Sarah Shill
I don't really project into the future much. I like to just make it up as I go along. Pretty much the only thing I know about my future right now is I'm not going to be living in Alaska and that I am not going to have braces. But everything else is pretty much a toss up.
If I think about if realistically, I can honestly say, that I don't think I'll be married by the time I'm 26. I just can't really see that happening. I guess its possible. Probably like a 1% chance. But that rant is for a separate blog post.
Man, I have never thought about this before.
Holy crap, what if ten years from now I have a kid?
The mere thought of that terrifies me beyond belief.
I am in no fit condition to be a mother.
It's not like I was one of those little girls who played with baby dolls.
In fact I NEVER played with baby dolls. When I was a kid, I played with Beanie Babies.
Not just any Beanie Babies.
I had 4 particular Beanie Babies I played with every day. Their names were Elaine, Jerry, George, and Kramer. Yeah. I named my Beanie Babies after characters from "Seinfeld". That should give you an idea of the kind of child I was.
There was this one lady who was my mom's home teacher who thought I was a total freak of nature or something. She treat me like I was some kind of "special child".
Sister Whatever- "And who is this lovely young lady?"
Mom- "This is my daughter Sarah. Sarah, say hello."
Me- "Hello."
Sister Whatever- "What's that you're playing with little girl?"
Me- "Oh. These are my friends, Jerry, George, Kramer and Elaine."
Sister Whatever- "I beg your pardon?"
Me- "Here! You can hold them. But be careful, George is being extra emotional today!"
(Thrusts raggedy animals into lady's reluctant hands)
Sister Whatever- "Uh-huh....Anne, have you ever considered getting know....checked out?"
Welcome to my childhood.
Anyways, back to my future.
On a more serious note, all I really hope is that ten years from now, I'll be happy. Or at least happier than I am now. That hopefully, in these next ten years of my life I'll find that one thing that brings me joy, so to speak, and that I can wake up in the morning and not dread the day ahead of me, but anticipate it.
Who knows where I will be in 10 years? Maybe I'll be dead before I even make it to that point. Maybe I'll get hit by a car tommorow. Or the next day. Or the day after that.
That's why you have to "Carpe Diem". That means sieze the day, I believe. I better Google it to make sure.
Yeah, I was right. It's Latin.
Carpe Diem. Makes me sound pretty smart huh?
Anways, this is turning into a totally lame sappy post, so I better stop typing and finish my episode of Family Guy.