Ah love. Who knows what love is? Definitely not me.
When I figure it out, I'll let you know.
All I know is that love is not how you "find yourself". So If you are in the "oh, my life sucks and I hate myself, what I really need is a boyfriend, and all my problems will go away" state of mind, then you are wrong. You need to learn to love yourself before you learn to love others, because
guys don't dig depressing chicks.
and vice versa.
They want someone who's gonna lift them up, not drag them down into their misery. I mean, yeah, they want to be able to help you with your problems and to listen to what's wrong when conflicts arise, you know, have your back and whatnot, but they don't want to have to keep picking up the pieces of your self esteem and building you back up.
Maybe I'm just speaking for myself. I dunno. It's just for me, the biggest turn off in a guy is him acting like some dramatic beeotch that needs constant encouraging or whatever.
In conclusiom, if you are looking for love, then make sure that you like yourself first. Also, don't be a dramatic beeotch. And don't date someone who makes you feel lame.
I drew this picture.

Keep it classy, followers.
Okay. I am going to try my best to not define love in all the cliché ways possible. Because love is a great thing. (That was incredibly cliché).
However, I believe that love is sometimes faked.
You should never say "I love you" to someone unless you truly mean it. Many young (and old) people will really just say "I love you" because they think it is expected. It is not necessary to always be in a romantic relationship. And this means that love does not JUST exist in romantic relationships. But it is evident in relationships with friends, enemies, family, life, and with yourself.
Before you ever, ever, ever fall in love with that special someone, you must fully love yourself.
You must love your flaws.
You must treasure your body, because it is a temple.
You must respect yourself.
You must value your body and mind as high as the heavens.
If you do not respect and adore every cell in and of your body, you will depend on others to make you happy.
Some girls (and guys, believe it or not) don't feel complete without their significant other. Yes, marriage is important, but before you reach that step, do something for yourself, like my mother says: "You just need to focus on [insert your own name here] time."
A truly successful, or a relationship with an abundance of love is only approachable and a reachable goal if both the man and woman love his or her self.
Don't be vain.
It's as simple as that.
But love yourself, through being kind to others.
I have a hard time with this: being kind (and I mean to EVERYONE).
I was told by a Young Woman's leader to pray for those you don't like.
It is very very difficult, because sometimes I honestly wish bad things for them.
That sounds terrible.
But I am learning to love even my enemies.
Those who have hurt me.
Because I know that nobody is perfect.
And I have probably hurt others, as well.
Human beings are affected so greatly by others opinions and reactions.
Which is why we must be gentle with our actions, and
not harsh with our words.
If you love someone, do not use sarcasm to prove it.
Sarcasm truly hurts (the mean kind does).
A good sense of humor is very important.
In fact, it's on my list of future husband's qualities and traits.
But not the sense of humor that cuts others down in order for the person to feel better about his or her self.
Love is only complicated if you make it out to be that way.
If you love someone, I promise that you will feel it.
You will want the absolute best for that person.
You will admire every one of that person's qualities.
You will treasure looking at how they live, and will adore their smiles and true happiness.
And the thing is, the person that you love should be good for you.
This person, whether a friend or a family member
should not influence you to make decisions you don't want to make,
and should also want the best for you.
Put simply,
Love is between two people who love each other.
Love is when you admire the other person.
Love happens when you grow to know a person, and discover that he/she is a beautiful being, an absolutely gorgeous person.
Love happens everywhere in the world.
Love occurs because it is the epitome of the human being's soul and emotions.
Love happens because we love to love. and love to give love.
Very intresting,its funny how you guys have very different point of views.