Thursday, January 20, 2011

DAY 03 - Your (our) Parents

My mom has short brown hair, and lovely, striking eyes. My dad has thin, brown hair (not long) and eyes the color of coconuts (maybe a little darker). My mother gave me her smile. She gave me her sense of humor and spunky Mallory-ness. My dad gave me acne. But he also gave me the funny dry sense of humor, and some alike genes. I have his seriousness and he gave me motion sickness. (Hence, I don't ride the rides at the fair. Or go on the shotgun. Did I use the word "hence" right?)

My mother packs my lunch for me everyday. She also lets me drive her car. Which is so awesome. And my dad works so that I can get cool stuff for birthdays and holidays. And a nice, warm house to live in. With heating, plumbing, and walls.

But besides that, I know that they really love me. I know that they will always be there for me.

Without my parents, I wouldn't be Mallory. And I wouldn't be here. And this blog wouldn't be here. And I wouldn't have such a wonderful family that I do now.

I love both of them, and my mom is a great mother. I can talk to her about anything.

Sing out loud in the car even, or especially, if it embarrasses your children. ~Marilyn Penland

Yeah, my parents do that. and I sing along with them.


My Dad gave me music, which is my life. He's the reason that when I was 8, I was listening to Strauss Waltzes and Stevie Wonder, whilst remaining completely oblivious to who the Backstreet Boys were. He's the reason I know every movement from The Nutcracker Suite by heart. And he's the reason I chose to play the French horn even though all the other girls in my 6th grade class were playing the flute.

My Mom has been taking me to Nordstroms since I could walk. She's taught me how to dress, and at the same time has helped me form my own style. When I was younger, it used to be all about owning clothing. I thought that fashion was about capacity. But it is so much more. It's the study of what styles are popular when. It's the ability to predict what trends people are going to fall for, and while I'm sure many "fashion blogs" would beg to differ, fashion has a lot to do with getting inside people's heads. It's a state of mind. And if it weren't for my mom, I would probably still be spending all my money on loads of cheap clothing and still be calling myself "fashionable".

More than anything, my parents have given me my uncontrollable desire to succeed. I don't agree with them on a lot of things, but they have instilled in me a yearning for power and control that I have a feeling will come in useful when I am changing the world a few years from now.

I know I have the potential to be great, and it's up to me to seize that and make something from it.


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