But alas, today, shall be the exception.
Today, I shall blog about clothes.
Never again though, I swear.
Might I direct your attention to the right?
Reader, meet Trouve' Assumption Wedge Boot.
Trouve' Assumption Wedge Boot, Reader.
This, as you might guess, is what I am asking "Santa" for, for Christmas. Nothing more. Just this.
The only thing that somewhat worries me is the fact that they are 4 inch heels with a 3/4 inch platform (which, DOES mean that I shall be 6 feet tall with these beauties on). I don't want to be walking along all awesome and fall on my face like a loser.
I imagine this is what Luke Skywalker felt like when he was first presented a lightsaber. It's like "Wow, this thing is so awesome, but I don't know how to use it."
Worst case though, I will just walk around my house with them on until I can walk without looking like a spaz.
But, I don't want to get ahead of myself. I can't be certain that these Gaga-worthy shoes are going to fly with The Parents. All I can do is hope and dream.
I might end up having to scrape up the money and pay for these bad boys myself.
If they still have any 9 1/2's left after Christmas.
Seriously, if I get on Nordstrom.com 3 weeks from now and see that all they have is 10's left, I am going to die of unfulfilled boot-lust.
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