Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Confessions to People

Like Sarah, I need to make some confessions.

It's not necessary to make-out all over my friends locker at school.

You don't need to make fun of others to feel good about yourself.

Stop asking me to cheat in school for you.

I like to laugh at all your secrets displayed on online social networking places.

I laugh at your fool-ness.

I wish I was rich.

And stop giggling so much.
wait...I suppose I giggle a-lot.

*giggle giggle*

maybe i oughtta stop that.

maybe not.

it helps me survive.

I don't like it when you make up stuff.

I don't like it when you make that smirky face at me.

I don't like it when you think you are smarter than everyone around you.

I don't like it when you avoid my eye contact.

I don't appreciate your rude-ness.

I wouldn't mind to push you right now.

I don't like it when you bash my best friends.

I don't like it when you are fake.

I don't like to pretend.

I don't like how my hair has split ends.

I don't like it when I make an effort to acknowledge you, and you don't.

 I suppose that's life.

Some people make efforts,

and some don't.

That's just how it goes, in every aspect of living.

Please be happy.

As Audrey Hepburn said:

The prettiest girls are the happiest girls.

I guess that goes with guys,
you might wanna change "prettiest" to "handsome-est".

Something like that.

(My two favorite descriptive words are gorgeous and handsome.  Aren't they such beautiful words?)


P.S.  Tell Sarah to blog something.

1 comment:

  1. This was interesting! I love the wit you have, haha. xx
