Or this.

Just, a CD. White Stripes or Amy. Whatever.
Also. These shoes, because wearing "TOMS" in the winter is the equivelent to wrapping your feet in glittery canvas and strolling around in 10 degrees below zero.

But more than anything, I want this. Because I have no iPod, and my brother's is lame.
And a mouthpiece brush for my French Horn, because my mouthpiece is nasty.
That's it. I would ask for these:
But I don't think my parents want to buy me heels anymore. Also, they are $1,495.
Happy Holidays.
-Sarah Shill
Wow. Those heels are GORGI.
I think Santa and my parents already bought me all of my presents.
But what I would like is a kindle fire.
Wow. Those heels are GORGI.
I think Santa and my parents already bought me all of my presents.
But what I would like is a kindle fire.
So I can read books and play games.
I also want the rest of the hunger game series.
I just finished the first one and it
I like music, so I wouldn't mind this:
hehehehehehe 200 dollars :)
I also wouldn't mind a tiny ipod to workout with.
I also would love a pair a basic black heels. I only have a pair of basic RED heels.
I want embroidery thread so I can make bracelets.
And I would like someone to help me shop for my family and friends cause one of my faults is that I am terrible at getting gifts for people.
not terrible. It's so hard to guess what people want.
Sperry's are cute:
or converse.
I love Icebreaker clothing.
It is SO comfy. and doesn't stink.
Really, I always love whatever I get for Christmas.
Those boot/heels are soooo awesome. Your newest follower! -Kylie