Friday, November 12, 2010

Some Confessions to Various People In My Life

Confession to a few Facebook friends-

-I don't care that you haven't "found your prince".

-I don't care what you made for dinner that was so unbelievably good.

-I don't care what your kid's Halloween costume was.

-Stop posting quotes about how happy you are with stupid little smiley faces, because whenever I talk to you, you are in a crappy mood and treat me like crap and everybody else like crap.

Confessions to a few Real Life People-

-Haha. Next time you tell me I am really pale and start laughing, maybe you should get the mustard off your face first. Idiot.

-You don't have to hug your boyfriend right in the middle of the hall. Seriously. Move.

-Next time you plan on wearing so much cologne, don't. OH!

-I'm fine. I'm having a blast. That's why I'm sitting here by myself. Everything is HUNKY FRICKEN DORY!

Confessions to the Adult Superiors In My Life (except my parents)-

-I don't really care if I'm missing out on a good social experience. I'm not going to do the Electric Slide.

-Stop criticizing my negative attitude. I saw you spanking and yelling at your kid 5 minutes ago.

Felt good to get that off my chest.

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